Little Miss

Happy Music Monday,

It feels good to be back in the writing mode, hit a bit of a writer’s block and a bit of a mental slump, but I am back.  Today is the perfect day to distract myself as well.  The weather in Nashville was beautiful all weekend long.  I find the weekends, which are gorgeous, fly by way to fast.  I got to enjoy a fun weekend filled with good times, laughter, and memories.  Would enjoy hearing how your weekend was?

So I know I already did a blog on Sugarland in regards to one of their songs this year, but their song “Little Miss,” has been catching my ear over and over at the right moments when I needed to hear it most.

Little miss, I’ll get tough, don’t you worry about me anymore

The third line into the song pulled me right in the first time I heard the song on the radio.   We all get our heartbroken, we sometimes get pushed around, and  more, but every time we stand back up we get stronger.  It is tough in itself to have thick skin and to not let things bother you so we just keep building up more and more each time.

Little miss, I’ll take less when I always give so much more

I know so many people who give, give, and give without ever asking for anything in return.  One of my best friends  has a heart of gold and this little woman is always there for her friends, her family, and is so strong throughout everything.

Little miss, hide your scars

Little miss, who you are is so much more than you like to talk about

Everyone has a past, no one is perfect and we shouldn’t strive to be.  Mistakes and scars are apart of life.  They tell our life story and form who we are.  We learn, we move on, and we don’t always want to look back on the tough parts of the past. We should because they tells us a lot about ourselves, about our resilience.

The lyrics of Sugarland’s song has connected with a vast amount of fans.  Fans were the ones who actually made a personal project and video.   Checkout the inspiration behind the lyrics at Jennifer’s blog, once you finish reading her blog explore Sugarland’s website and listen to all the different connections to Little Miss.  Very inspiring.

As always music lovers, until next time keep those ears entertained.


Chelsea  ♫


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